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Nobility and Poverty

Nobility and Poverty

There is nothing noble in being poor

The common man- what can I say will remain common man if he does not open his eyes? Why he is not aware of the great gold mine called stock market? If he does not think outside the box, well he will be inside the box forever.  You need to deviate from the traditional style of investing at post offices and banks. Those will not make you rich. Your money will not work harder for you. If you stick to the old conventional ways still then you can forget the term long-term investments and high returns.

Indians are sentimental fools and they stick to what their ancestors have been told them to do. They go and vote for the corrupted politician just because his dad was there in that particular political party. Then talk about investment, he is not going to listen. The dream of getting rich will remain a dream and die with him. He will die as a poor man while the world around him gets richer every day.

So quit stressing yourself about how to make money. Just follow my blog and you can make your dreams come true. If anyone says money is not everything, he does not have it. 99% of your problems can be tackled with money. Don’t you dare say no.

There is nothing noble in being poor

Think about the respect people, especially your family and relatives give you once they found out that you are rich. The key here is you should make your money work for you and never tell anyone. Let it be our little secret. That’s the power of money. If you say otherwise this is not for you. Please do not waste your time here and go back to your philosophical thoughts. This blog and company is for those people who want to get rich. For those people who love money. To those people who wants luxury, respect and good sex. Others stay away; we are not interested in talking to you. It is for your sake. You will be wasting your valuable philosophical time reading about finance and stock market.

Some of you may think that I am rude and whatsoever. No. I am being practical. If you do not believe me try going somewhere without money. You are respected in your family and social circle on how heavy is your bank balance.

I am not asking you to do illegal and illicit jobs to make money. You are not aware of the gold mine right next door. You are worried about sports and your stupid movies where you spend from your pocket and waste your time to make them super rich. Stick with me, we can work together. My mind is open and I will tell you what to do. If you are a doubtful, conventional, TV watching slug, please do not waste my time as well as yours. This is for those who want to be rich, let us work together. Those who are worried about monthly bills and sudden expences and have a genuine heart to explore new avenues, please come.

Take a look inside the family. One brother has a normal job and the other one is super rich with a good job and money. Keep all the factors aside on how he did it. Who will get the most love and respect from your parents and siblings? Whose wishes are carried out? Whose preference of good food is cooked in the kitchen by your mom?

Think about it before you judge me

So if you want to be rich read on

Read this





Sam Jacobs

Have you ever wondered why do most trades fail and why does the market go instantly against us as soon as we take a buy or sell entry when everything looks fine? Yes, there is something wrong with us because the market is always right. Click the below link to know the reason, take ten minutes of your time to read and change your ways for good trades.

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