The best and most accurate buy sell signal software for trading MCX NSE and FOREX
What is Alertel V series Platinum?
The ultimate buy sell signal system for FOREX MCX and NSE-Alertel buy sell signal system offers Live Charts with Auto Buy Sell Signals, Text and Voice Alerts for Intraday Trading in MCX Commodity, Nifty Stocks, Nifty & Bank Nifty Future, NSE Stock Futures, Nifty Put Call Options, NSE Currency Forex and NSE 100 Stocks for Positional Trading with Charts & Alerts.
Be it intraday trade or position trade Alertel V series buy sell signal software provides more than 95% accurate buy sell signals for both forex and Indian stock market like MCX , MCX SX , NSE and nifty stocks, making it the ultimate buy sell signal software in the world.
5 Things…remember?
- You can really identify the BUY and SELL areas of the stock, commodity or FX pair.
Why is it important?
Okay, all stocks in a day has its own buying and selling happening. But the real buy and selling happens in those areas where it should happen. You cannot take a buy in the sell area of the stock at any given time and vice versa. It is so wrong. That why you see the market going against you the moment you take the trade. Most of us do not understand this and we blame the market for it.
Alertel V series platinum does the analysis for you and divides the stock into buy and sell areas and gives you the appropriate signals at the right time. Timing is really important here because once you miss the right entry you miss it forever. Taking a trade after missing the timely entry is as risky as taking a buy in the sell area and sell in the buy area. With Alertel you get the right kind of signal at the right time and that makes the Alertel V series platinum buy and sell signal software the world’s best and favorite buy sell signal software for FOREX and Indian markets like COMEX, NYMEX, LME, MCX, NSE, MCX SX, NCDEX.
- Four Levels of Filter system to authenticate accuracy of the buy sell signals
How do you know the generated buy sell signals are good to trade or not. You must have seen software which throws you random signals according to the changing trend. Let me tell you most of the software out there are mere indicators in software disguise. Alertel’s 4 level filter systems altogether give you 16 confirmations for a given signal. Thus you can be sure of the trade you are taking based on the generated signal. This feature makes this buy sell software unique and India’s best buy sell software to trade in MCX and NSE (All sub segments).
Cool eh?
- Real time data with no delay, not even a micro second.
Well thinking that you are the best trader ever but if you do not have the right market data then all is in vain. Alertel Software is power packed with real time streaming delay free market data for all the segments so that you can be sure of the signals and that the signals are based on the real market plus you can compare your brokers or other data feed with our real time data for the below segments
- FOREX (International)
- CFDs
Trade in the real market with Alertel Buy Sell Signal software with real time data feed.
- Three levels of targets or exits
How well a trader knows about exits? An exit is as important as the timely entry. If your entry is correct and exit is not. You will not inherit any good from the market. It is risky as real-time risky. We end to wait on loses but tend to exit as soon as possible when we see a small profit. Why is that? You are not sure about the market and where it is going. For this purpose Alertel v series Platinum Buy Sell Signal software is equipped with three levels of targets for each Buy and Sell. We classify those like
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Expert
Beginner: The first target, once the entry is confirmed by the four filter system. The average scared trader can exit at the first level till he becomes and inter mediate or an expert.
Intermediate: The second exit level where you can exit with a higher profit than the beginner.
Expert: The final level where the trader can exit with the maximum profit out of that particular trade.
- Hassle free time management and trading with alerts and messages.
The usual trader spends most of his time breaking his head before the charts. A human brain cannot comprehend information for more than 20 minutes. That’s when fatigue and anxiety kicks I and he forgets about the cool things and loved ones around him and being in his own world takes a toll in his family and social life.
Those are all old stories.
Alertel v series Platinum buy and sell signal system enables you to spend your maximum time doing what you love to do or your loved ones expect you to do. Now with this software you do not need to break your head on complex market data and related stuffs. If there is a signal or confirmation or a change in the trend on all opened scripts you will be called by an alarm and pop up messages. Only then you need to come back to the charts and that too for a short while. You can check the confirmation filters take or deny the trade and go back to what you were doing and come back when you hear the next alarm. Do keep your speakers on. That’s all
Cool I would say if there is a system to think for me.
Some of the main features include:
Our Services
- MCX, NSE and FOREX Buy Sell Signal Software
- Automatic Buy Sell Signal Software for Metatrader 4 (MT4) for MCX, NSE and FOREX
- Reliable Trade support
- Real time data feed
- Metatrader4 Charting Software
Main Features
- Automatic Buy and Sell Signals for all scripts
- Message and sound alerts for all scripts.
- Auto scanner for all scripts
- Accurate buy sell signals with trailing stop losses.
- Range and trend bound market filters.
- Suitable for Intraday and position traders
A friend for life
Alertel v series Platinum can be your best friend and guide in your journey to the rich and fabulous life you dream about all day. A journey is easy and destination is close if you have the right companion. Alertel gives you just that.
Some more good reads
Have you ever wondered why do most trades fail and why does the market go instantly against us as soon as we take a buy or sell entry when everything looks fine? Yes, there is some thing wrong with us because the market is always right. Click here to know the reason, take ten minutes of your time to read and change your ways for good trades.
K.I.S trading from Alertel v series Platinum buy sell software for FOREX,MCX and NSE
K.I.S trading
Yup, K.I.S it. This applies for all types of traders. The Kiss technology from Alertel buy sells signal system for FOREX and Indian markets.
Most of us go after complex theories and calculations when it comes to trading and burn our fingers. Yes the money market is huge and no one can comprehend the information worth billions more than 20 minutes at a time. You brain simply will not process it. That is why we have applied the K.I.S.S technology in our trading system.
By the way, who has the time and energy to absorb this abundant information download every single day? There is life outside and you need one simple thing to enjoy the life and that is called MONEY.
Okay let me guess you are a day trading genius or a nerd who loves to waste your time in front of the computer- To be a successful trader you need to keep a tab on the following
- Being well-prepared
- Having the patience and discipline to study and research
- Applying sound money management techniques
- Approaching trading activity as a business
And if you do the following mistake you are sure to lose money
- Trading during the first half-hour of the session
- Failing to hear the market’s message
- Ignoring which phase the market is in
- Failing to reduce position size when warranted
- Failing to treat every trade as just another trade
- Over-eagerness in booking profits
- Trading for emotional highs
- Failing to realize that trading decisions are not about consensus building
And why is Day trading can incur losses at the end of day
- Day trading requires split-second timing
- Day trading can be more emotional than other types of trading
- Day trading can be very boring
- Day trading carries a high risk of losing the Capital.
- A Day Trader has to do a lot of reading and analysis to make a decent profit.
- A Day Trader makes several trades in a day. Every time they trade, they have to pay brokerage. Even if they make losses, they have to pay the brokerage to the brokers.
- Day trading is also a very stressful job.
- Day trading is a very risky form of trading, which can result in considerable financial losses over a short period of time.
When the market is being fast and volatile you have the challenges and desire to deal with the trading along with the heights of your emotions. But most of the time the market snails and we just spend our time sitting there and watch the market do nothing. The majority of the time, the market will move randomly without providing a high-probability trading scenario for you.
The biggest problem with this is that the boredom makes it hard to concentrate for long periods of time. That leads to distraction in which traders start checking their e-mails, making phone calls, paying bills, and so forth so that when the high-probability trade finally arrives, they miss it because they weren’t paying attention. You must take it into account, because as at every work – exhausted and tired out you always act less effectively.
Therefore, if you are considering day trading, apart from developing the effective strategy, you should think what benefits you will have from it. What’s important, think also above disadvantage – particularly of trading hours? It is the most difficult thing, particularly if you have a family.
K.I.S of Alertel Platinum V series buy sell software
K- Keep
I- It
S- Simple
Keep it simple – The Alertel V series does all the complex works for you and displays the end results in a very simple understandable format right in front of you. You may just execute the trades and just not think anything else about the boring market other than your loved ones or the things that interests you. How about you play the latest video game or take a nap while the Platinum series works hard for you. All you need to just follow what it says and have a nice day.
Introducing Alertel Platinum Buy Sell software for Forex, MCX and NSE
Welcome to Alertel systems. The Automatic Buy, Sell Target & Stop Loss Trading Signals Software for NSE, F&O, MCX, MCX SX, NCDEX Etc. (Equity, Future, Option, Commodity & Currency) to trade intraday, swing & Positional Trading. Alertel V series Platinum works on Metatrader4 (MT4) Platform along with real time charts and data feed.
Alertel V series Platinum Buy and Sell signal system enables a new trader to find the right entry and exit without any flaw. A new trader is confused and may be scared to lose. He is just going to follow the chart patterns and get into wrong trades. He will be under the impression that three or four green candles mean a buy and similarly Red for Sell.
This is the ultimate blunder any trader can make. In fact those are market movement colors where it is moving towards its destiny where only experienced trader who is an investor can rely on. Not a day trader.
For those new traders who wants to make it big in money markets as well as experienced traders who has burnt their fingers bad we present Alertel V series platinum Buy sell signal system for FOREX and Indian markets such as MCX, MCX SX, Nifty Futures and NSE (F&O – Cash). Alertel Trading System supports all major markets in Commodities, Currencies and Shares, such as FOREX, COMEX, NYMEX, MCX, MCX SX, NSE and NCDEX.
Alertel V series Platinum buy sell signal software generates automatic buy sell signal along with trailing stop loss and three targets for each buy and sell signals. This can be your best friend while trading in Nifty futures, commodities and currencies.
An ocean is made of small drops – Use this system to make small profits all day long and at the end of the month have a big smile. You are new and you have already beaten market veterans.
Consistency is the Key
With Alertel Buy and sell signal software try not to overtrade. Make small consistent profits all day long. Get used to this awesome power packed trade solution where we use it in our own trading floor. This software does not require you to be a market wizard or a guru nor do you not have to burn your brains on long market sessions or the fundamental or technical data. Everything is inbuilt in this software and this software will pin point the most accurate entry and exit points along with so many other features that will enable you to trade like a professional.
Some of the main features include:
Our Services
- MCX, NSE and FOREX Buy Sell Signal Software
- Automatic Buy Sell Signal Software for Metatrader 4 (MT4) for MCX, NSE and FOREX
- Reliable Trade support
- Real time data feed
- Metatrader4 Charting Software
Main Features
- Automatic Buy and Sell Signals for all scripts
- Message and sound alerts for all scripts.
- Auto scanner for all scripts
- Accurate buy sell signals with trailing stop losses.
- Range and trend bound market filters.
- Suitable for Intraday and position traders
- Easy to follow – No need to be an expert in trading, no need to have prior technical and fundamental know how.
Our signal buy sell software is best suited for both Intraday and positional traders who trades in FOREX as well as MCX, NSEMCX SX and provides accurate and best buy sell signals which includes majors like BankNIfty, Nifty Options, NCDEX and F&O. The features and accuracy of our software has made us the best software for signals in Indian markets and Forex. This real time automates buy sell signal software has the ability to give you accurate signals in Indian markets and forex during normal trading hours and high volatile news events.
Below are some good reads that may be a key point for a good change in you.
Have you ever wondered why do most trades fail and why does the market go instantly against us as soon as we take a buy or sell entry when everything looks fine? Yes, there is something wrong with us because the market is always right. Click here to know the reason, take ten minutes of your time to read and change your ways for good trades.
Nothing is really happening in your trading? Then it is high time to Change your Trading Style. Mind and Body cannot be separated. If you want to do something good for your life think you are one who is and will have to it. But what if there is no you? You will find simple methods to transform yourself into a successful person in this essay. Do yourself a favor by spending some time worth a cigarette to this article. Trust me it will do well for you.
Nothing is really happening in your trading? Then it is high time to Change your Trading Style. Mind and Body cannot be separated. If you want to do something good for your life think you are one who is and will have to it. But what if there is no you? You will find simple methods to transform yourself into a successful person in this essay. Do yourself a favor by spending some time worth a cigarette to this article. Trust me it will do well for you.
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